The image is still widespread in society: “People with disabilities are a burden to society. We have to understand that for a healthy community, people with disabilities are also important. They broaden our horizons and teach us things that we quickly forget in the hectic of everyday life.
We have to learn from each other. People with disabilities can also help other people, be a friend to so-called non-disabled people. How can this look like? What makes friendship? What can a person without a disability learn from a friend with disabilities? What is the added value?
A performance will explore these questions. Roland Walter himself is spastically paralyzed and works as a performer and inclusion ambassador. He has experience of how to be a friend to non-disabled people. Together with a dancer, Walter would like to develop and perform a performance “hand in hand”. In doing so, different facets of friendship should be shown. In the second part Roland Walter (Germany) and Yanel Barbeito (Cuba) offer a conversation. The participants will exchange their experiences. It should be conveyed that people with disabilities are an enrichment. Barbeito is also spastic paralyzed. Barbeito and Walter evaluate the experiences of the participants.