In a package

identity-1Walking through the University on Arts in Berlin, we have met the artist zazzarootto from Italy and his amazing art work. We directly invited him for the IDENTITY symposium next year on the island Lanzarote, bacause he seems to work directly on questions related to this workshop.

Trip nach Züri

In connection with the development of the IDENTITY symposium our way led us to Switzerland, to Zurich, where we found a highly qualified supporter for our project with the curator and art historian S. Wintsch.





Together we visited  organisations, galleries and the exhibition AAA, that you will see all over the city with severalobjeczts..


Ninel C. zu Gast bei art aspects


As part of a conference to the Foundation Program in Berlin with lectures by Otto Scharmer, choreographer, artist and PhD candidate Ninel C. came for a visit to art aspects, whereas she described, practically clear  subjects and methods currently being studied in the world of Otto Scharmer and how she can integrate it for herselve in her work. Very exciting and very funny.




Since today it is clear that we will organize two new symposia with the organization LAPAS  on the Canary Island of Lanzarote like we did since several years now. In April, we will begin with the Identity Symposium for students from all over Europe from 18 and 30 years. Following the Art and Nature Symposium taking place also on Lanzarote.
From October 2015, the documents will be shown online and we look forward to an active participation.



Are you are Berlin-based curator, arts manager, or cultural producer? Are you involved with creative projects in Berlin on a freelance or project basis? Do you want to be?

Contemporary Art Exchange and Supermarkt invite you to a relaxed drop in social gathering where you can meet other independent curators and producers across a variety of creative disciplines, discuss methods and ways of working, and get feedback on projects or ideas within a creative and supportive environment. Discussion topics are limited only by whatever you’d like to contribute.

Each month will feature a short presentation from a local Berlin-based curator or cultural manager followed by an open Q&A and discussion. his month’s speakers will be freelance curator, art critic and educator An Paenhuysen ( Michael von Erlenbach from Art Aspects Berlin ( who will talk about their experiences of working on projects related to inclusion, accessibility and disability.

As always, we look forward to hearing your contributions to the discussion, please come along, we’d love to hear about your work too!

Language: Presentations and discussions can be held in German or English depending on participants present (translations can be provided on request).

Registration: To attend this event, please send a short RSVP to

Price: By donation. Drinks are also available for purchase from the café.

Venue: Supermarkt, Brunnenstrasse 64 (U8 Bernauer Strasse or U8 Voltastr)

Fukushima the aftermath / 11 March 2014


art aspects will be onsite at the following performance. So we want to invite everybody to go there.

Hi dear friends,

i would like to invite you of the event on 11th of March. We are 60 artists from all over the world will be expressing their concern and emotion over what has happened and is still happening at Fukushima.

Maria bei art aspects

Maria, a student of sculpture at the Giebichenstein in Halle and one of our successful participants in the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULE. came to visit, to inquire on the Lanzarote symposium in 2014.


She showed great interest to participate in it and will also inform their fellow students on the exchange site.

König Roland bei art aspects

Roland Walter, having been main actor in our MA-MA Project of our learning parnership with 5 different european nations, showed up with his performance projects.

„Architecture of absence“  Performance in Dock 11 in Berlin with
Isak Immanuel, Yuko Kaseki, Roland Walter, Macoto Inagawa, Hikaru Inagawa

We are lucky to announce that Roland, known as King Roland, will be a member at the art aspects art society, planning some seminars and workshop with Aktion Mensch. We hope he will succeed in this way with a  support from our side.



With the UTOPIA SYMPOSIUM 2014 we will continue the  UTOPIA Symposiums on Arts, that we started in 2013 as an international exchange for artists, art educators and all people interested in the Arts, taking place on the Canarian Island Lanzarote.

Therefor we invite all artists from all over the world, students, professors, lecturers, dancers, performer, musicians,………… to take part in that active and creative process.

The goal is to examine if behaviors shaped on the basis of artistic processes are applicable to reality.

Please find all information and the application form under our PDF (528 KB)


2013 the first symposium took place wit the help of 14 persons  out of five nations and of four different academies from Germany and Swizzerland. It was a really great success for all participants. Please visit herefor our project archive.


artaspects_Nachhaltigkeit_07In Arrecife, mitten im Industriegebiet, gibt es die einzige Biodieselanlage der Insel.  Wir besuchten die Anlage und ließen uns über die zukünftige Entwicklung auf diesem Gebiet unterrichten. Später besuchten wir in diesem Zusammenhang auch das Biosphärenreservat bei der Inselregierung, wo man uns über die langsamen Fortschritte in dieser Richtung informierte.



artaspects_Spuren deiner Kultur_38LAPAS member Stefan Isenmann is a connoisseur of the Canary Islands. On countless trips to the islands his knowledge accumulates. Near the Castillo Santa Barbara we explored the excavations that were conducted by an Italian team and point out that the name of Lanzarote is of Italian origin.

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Besuch aus Hamburg

If you haven`t seen your friends for a longer term, it is a pleasure to come together again. So we were lucky to meet John again, one of our foundation member of art aspect, who is living and studying in Hamburg. He passed by, showing us his first catalogue with amazing art works.

It was always a pleasure to talk with John. This meeting, he surprised us with its first catalog and his new friend Jimmy.


artaspects_Nachhaltigkeit_32A dedicated pilot project of agricultural organization Tanganilla led us to meet with the head of the organization, Klaus Guttenberger, at Zonzamas, the local rubbish dump. Since November 2012 the organisation created the first compost, which should be a clear sign of the reuse of biological materials.
Still, it is a drop in the bucket. The future will show how things develope.




artaspects_Spuren deiner Kultur_54In the south, in Playa Blanca, we examine today with a group of artists learners the relationship between art and culture. On a highly visible area, we are looking for traces of the recent past and we are witnesses of lying prostrate culture. The abandoned, resting after construction areas carry big names but the whole area is deserted, empty and desolate.

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