In the field of tension between ‘home’ and ‘foreign’ people with and without disabilities have always been looking for new inspirations for social life and their work, because perception opens up through the new impressions of a foreign environment and new ideas and imaginations arise far away from everyday life.
Often the foreign is determined by travelling to other, foreign countries, but even the big city offers a variety of strange situations that we can encounter as soon as we leave our familiar surroundings or actively engage with people who bring something ‘foreign’ to us. In the workshop we concentrate on developing artistic ideas that use the desire for the foreign environment, /the stranger as a source of inspiration.
The aim is to fundamentally deal with the theme of the “foreign” and “other” that one can encounter everywhere and to enter into a productive dialogue. To rub against the foreign, to mirror oneself, to separate or open oneself. How does the foreign affect me? What does it trigger in me and what previous experiences can I build on? Does it make me curious or does it scare me? Do I delimit myself or do I open myself?