UTOPIA_the beginning

From July2012 until March 2013 we are going to work on a realisation for the spanish festival “Mirada de las mujeres” in 2013. It builds upon the first documentation we have realised with interviews of artists that have been born,  living and/ or working on the Canarian Island Lanzarote, showing their work, taking time to talk about their ideas and visions.

UTOPIIA is a far more open work of the artist Patrick Germanier and Michael von Erlenbach, realised on the Canarian island El Hierro, the most eastern island and most western point in europe.

The idea is to show nature as the most impresssive performer in creativity and within the work they will examine how creative people work with the possibilities they have on the island.

Even that the festival has been cancelled because of the crisis during the realisation of the work, they will show the results in 2013 within the artaspects society and in different place on the Canarian Islands.

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