
Also with this workshop we will continue the cooperation with the Lanzarote besed organisation LAPAS in Haría.

We will visit people and organisations that have the aim in their personal life or a social aim to live sustainable. We will visit hereby Zonzamas, the garbage incineration plant in the middle of the island, located in an old vulcano, formerly used as a sacred place….imagine this!!!

We will make interviews with different kind of people, asking them what kind of possibilities they see living sustainable.

Like in the workshop “TRACES OF YOUR CULTURE” we are planning to meet with different learner groups one day in the week over several weeks, making videos, audio recordings, drawings,…. and merging the results in the end during an exhibition or any other form of presentation. The workshop will be supported by the local BIOSHERE RESERVE.

Target group are people of all ages living on the island Lanzarote as well as people coming from abroad with an interest of sustainable living.

My Fest statt Mai Demo


Berlin really changed a lot. Having seen burning cars all over Oranienstraße some years ago, accompanied by demonstrants throwing stones, demonstrating against right power, struggling for equality and fighting against the police all around you now can find a big street festival with a variation of different styles of music, from Techno to  Old School Rock and indian vibes.

The Maidemonstrations have turned into the My Fest. Everything, ok?! No problems?! No reasons for demonstrations?!

Brave new Berlin




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Jose Farray is not only a great photographer but also a good cartographer. With three other colleagues, he crosses regularly and systematically the “mal país” in the north of the island, photographing and cartographing old tracks, finding objects and assignim them to the map via GPS.

We were fortunate that he took us on the trail.


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Huellas de la cultura01With the end of UTOPÍA symposium and after a short delay we are preparing for the next workshop in collaboration with the Canary organization LAPAS in Lanzarote.

In the workshop “TRACES OF YOUR CULTURE” we searching for answers to the question, which characters can be read out from the traces of our culture for us today. What interpretations do we get regarding these traces because of half-knowledge or lack of knowledge and how can we use the results for us today. We will work with means of the arts, making drawings and sketches, videographic explorations and photographic  investigations.
The questions should lead us in the best case to creative results ….with performances, short films, through dance or installation ……


Dear friends in and out of Lanzarote
we would like to invite you to our first exhibition on arts within our first symposium with the title UTOPIA, that will start on Saturday,6th April in Casa Playa Marina, near Mala.
12 artists from 5 differentt countries and different artistic filds, like Fine Arts, Music, Literature, Video and Drawing have been working on the topic UTOPIA and exhibit their work on Saturday

The exhibition will be open from 4pm until night
The exhibition will take place at ´´Playa Marina´´ 300 meters after leaving Mala in direction to Arrieta. You will see a blue banner near the road guiding the way to the house.

¡Los esperamos con los brazos abiertos!

Das kann weh tun

We are situated in a wonderful landscape but full of litte stones, very sharp and so it happened tha one participants hurt while running barefooted through the landscape .
We were lucky seeing him in a good shape the other day, beeing able to continue without too much pain.

Das UTOPIA Symposium beginnt

The first symposium on Lanzarote, working along side the topic UTOPIA, will start with the arrival of the participants today. They come from Chile, Peru, Swizzerland, Austria and Germany
Playa Marina01
Before we start with the introduction we will prepare ourselves at home at Playa Marina, our center during the next ten days.

Die Welt von Steiner

Making a journey to art collectors and academies we made a stop over in Gondelsheim, where you will find a castle nearby the railway station.

Michael Steiner, galerist and art curator, welcome us very politely. Having made the first symposium togetheron Lanzarote with 12 artists out of  4 nations twenty years ago, we were talking about these times and about the aspects of having a symposium this year after such a long time again.

The walls showed a large variety of paintings of the  Dresdener painter Steffen Wriecz, who is living in Sockholm since two years. He will hopefully accompany us to our symposium this year.

Bimbache in Berlin

The leaders of Bimbache on El Hierro visit Berlin

Torsten de Winkel celebrated with his partner Sabine Willmann, friends in Berlin and art aspects his birthday in Berlin, just round the corner of art aspects. Besides celebratin Thorstens birthday we were talking about the process of Utopia and possibilities to show the final work on El Hierro


365 Videos zu TU VISIÓN

To the end of 2012 we started with our project TU VISIÓN and put our videos online. Now you can see NO 8 from today on. We get lots of respect regarding this project.


Participate!! Please send us your own, home made (mobile) videos to the question to: Some days later you can see it online.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please see all videos here: TU VISIÓN  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



Until the end of 2013, 365 people from all over Lanzarote will answer the questions. We want to interview people out of the big variety of more than 110 different nations that live on the island. We also hope that many people will send a self made home video to us.

Tu Vision_NO_003

Participate!! Please send us your own, home made (mobile) videos to the question to: Some days later you can see it online.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please see all videos here: TU VISIÓN  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Lo que lleva el viento ll

Las Conejeras present:

Second edicion of the performance festival of the arts : “Lo que lleva el viento ll” from 23.2.-9.3. 2013

The performance takes place at the Charco San Gines, Arrecife, Lanzarote with the participation of  Monica Klingler, Suiza, y Concha Jerez, Madrid, among others…..

Sanatorium- Dokumenta

How to see a brilliant idea collapsing to a free fall, you can actually see on the dOCUMENTA13. The artists Pedro Reyes did not think on the carefully on the students behaviuor, that were going to realize his work by the different treatments they gave to the visitors, or, he just didn`t think about paying them correctly, as one of the szudents told us. What a mess!!

Wie eine schöne Idee ins Absurde geführt wird, lässt sich derzeit am Sanatorium auf der dOKUMENTA 13 erkennen. Der Künstler Pedro Reyes hat mit seiner wunderbaren Idee der therapeutischen Behandlung durch angeleitete Kunststudenten nicht bedacht, dass die jungen Leute wohl etwas überfordert sind in Fragen der inhaltlichen Umsetzung. Det war denn doch zu Luschi!

20120808-131840.jpgVielleicht lag es aber auch nur daran, dass die jungen Studenten für ihren Job nicht bezahlt werden, wie uns eine “Therapheutin” mitteilte. Das fanden wir denn doch eine nicht nachvollziehbare Sache.