
Also with this workshop we will continue the cooperation with the Lanzarote besed organisation LAPAS in Haría.

We will visit people and organisations that have the aim in their personal life or a social aim to live sustainable. We will visit hereby Zonzamas, the garbage incineration plant in the middle of the island, located in an old vulcano, formerly used as a sacred place….imagine this!!!

We will make interviews with different kind of people, asking them what kind of possibilities they see living sustainable.

Like in the workshop “TRACES OF YOUR CULTURE” we are planning to meet with different learner groups one day in the week over several weeks, making videos, audio recordings, drawings,…. and merging the results in the end during an exhibition or any other form of presentation. The workshop will be supported by the local BIOSHERE RESERVE.

Target group are people of all ages living on the island Lanzarote as well as people coming from abroad with an interest of sustainable living.


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